Ricardo Roman Arzola

Ricardo Roman Arzola



Ricardo Roman Arzola was born in El Paso Texas, but spent his early years in the abject poverty of an adobe “vecindad” in Chihuahua Mexico. Although he had little exposure to music, in middle school he was taken under the wing of a sympathetic conductor and allowed to engage with the orchestra under the condition that he learn and play the violin. He did, and soon entered and won statewide competitions in both classical and Mariachi violin.

Ricardo relocated to San Antonio and joined the premier Mariachi of the region where he soon was invited to take the microphone. The requests came time and again for his voice, the voice of immense power and clarity, and his intelligent and elegant vocal style.

Drawn from auditions throughout the country, Ricardo was cast in a new Las Vegas production at the Aladdin – en route to Los Angeles. The show received critical acclaim, including Ricardo’s notable and dashing solo vocal segment.