Arts & Crafts at LAFH

Create Now’s Arts and Crafts program at LA Family Housing has been done virtually, but that doesn’t mean the kids missed out on any of the fun! Our volunteer Kelle Meschede helped the students make their craft projects over Zoom. LAFH staff member Lessem Puerto was able to be hands on with the kids to keep track of the arts supplies and make sure they understood the instructions.

The projects the students were able to complete included watercolor painting, making valentines, working with clay, and creating bracelets. Kelle mentioned how the children created arts projects that they’ll hopefully keep for a while to enjoy, like keychains from clay and name signs that they painted. The kids had different arts supplies available each week to assist them with expressing themselves artistically however they wanted. 

Kelle says her favorite part of the class is “seeing what the students come up with independently. I usually lead them through crafts, but always emphasize that they can follow me or do it their own way. My favorite works of art are the ones they have imagined and executed on their own.” She also liked being a part of their creative expression and seeing them enjoy the artwork they made. 

As always, we are so thrilled to be able to work with LA Family Housing to execute this program. We’re thankful for our volunteers, like Kelle, who contribute their time to make our kids excited about the arts!

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