Create Now recently partnered with Mad Fish Digital to get a fresh new logo update. We worked directly with Jenna Miller – Graphic Designer and Kellie O’Shea – Senior Graphic Designer and are grateful for the hard work and dedication they both put into this.

Why did Mad Fish Digital choose to support Create Now?
Create Now’s mission to support youth in Los Angeles through arts programming aligns perfectly with our commitment at Mad Fish Digital to lift others up. Since 2018, we have been partnering with nonprofits in Portland and beyond as part of our B Corp team’s pro-bono partnership program. We are excited to be part of this branding effort and create a new logo and brand guide that is future-forward.
How do you feel about this updated version of our logo?
The updated logo is modern, versatile, and features a color palette that is high energy. We feel the logo represents and celebrates the various art programs at Create Now coming together in unison. The logo also celebrates Create Now’s history and includes subtle elements of the original iconography.
What does the arts mean to you and your company?
The arts are an integral part of our work at Mad Fish Digital as we strive to make the highest quality designs for our clients. We were so excited to support Create Now and their programs that make the arts more accessible to at-risk and high-risk youth. We appreciate their work to open opportunities that lead to jobs and career opportunities in design.