Create Now & artworxLA

Through the Mary Pickford foundation, Create Now and artworxLA teamed up to deliver an animation concept art workshop to an amazing group of teens that they serve. 

During this 12 week period, 20 students learned what it takes to make it in the industry and the right steps to becoming a concept designer in animation. From working with pen and paper to using procreate on iPads, our youth were able to really dive deep into animation . 

The program was taught by industry professionals Sorie Kim and Matt Jordan. 

This virtual 12-week intensive workshop allowed all of our youth to explore their creativity, learn new skills, meet and speak with other industry professionals such as designer Ross Tran, Art Director Franck Louis-Marie, work with The LA Chamber Orchestra, explore and view a real animation studio, in-person field trips, but more importantly they were able to explore something that could change their future. At the very end of the workshop we had a special culminating presentation and art exhibition hosted by Inner City Arts with both students and families in attendance.

We would like to say thank you to Inner City Arts, Pure Imagination Studios, The LA Chamber Orchestra, Ross Draws and the Mary Pickford foundation for giving our youth this opportunity.

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