Create Now Has a Fresh New Logo!
Create Now recently partnered with Mad Fish Digital to get a fresh new logo update. We worked directly with Jenna Miller - Graphic Designer and Kellie O’Shea - Senior Graphic...
Meet Our Newest Board Members
We would like to welcome our newest board members Tricia Snyder, John Hansbrough, Richard O'Connell and Jonny Dawson . We are incredibly excited to have the four of them join the...
Create Now’s Power of the Arts Festivals
Join us on Saturday, June 10th / 10am-1pm @ 1521 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015 for Create Now's annual Power of the Arts Festival. This is an event where our youth and...
LA Clippers Honors Brandon, Create Now CEO
Our CEO Brandon Dean Johnson was honored as a Community Hero by the LA Clippers during halftime on December 3, 2022. This program honors people in the community who inspire...
Holiday Party at Create Now!
This year we at Create Now gave the youth in our community a Holiday Party filled with tons of festive activities. During our annual event, we get the chance to serve tons...
Santa Gifts 99th St Elementary With Squishmallows
Create Now helped Santa Claus this year and made a visit to the young scholars at 99th Street Elementary. This year we were able to give out over 450 Squishmallows to the whole...